How To Quickly Lower Cholesterol With These 5 Easy Tips


Over the years there have been many studies on how to quickly lower cholesterol. Some have been successful, others have not. I have personally used a few of these methods to lower my cholesterol with successful results. Now, I am going to share with you the methods I have found that have been successfully proven to quickly lower cholesterol.
Before we get started on how to quickly lower cholesterol, let's first define the different types of cholesterol. The first type of cholesterol is called Low-Density Lipoprotein (or LDL) and is referred to as the bad type of cholesterol. LDL is the cholesterol that is most likely to clog blood vessels, thus increasing your risk for heart disease. The other type of cholesterol is called High-Density Lipoprotein (or HDL) which is the good type of cholesterol. HDL cholesterol helps remove the LDL (bad) cholesterol out of the blood which will help to reduce your risk for heart disease.
Now that we have defined the different types of cholesterol, let's look at the different ways to quickly lower cholesterol.
1) Exercise.
This one method alone has been proven over and over again to not only lower cholesterol, but also has many other benefits. You don't have to join a gym or hire a personal trainer, unless you want to, but you do have to include some sort of physical activity that will increase your heart rate. A few examples would be a brisk walk, stair climbing or swimming laps in a pool. The main thing is to decide what you want to do and get started.
2) Avoid foods high in saturated fats.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of foods that are high in saturated fats. In order to avoid these foods you need to look at the nutrition labels of the foods you buy at the grocery store. Also, most restaurants provide nutrition information on the internet. A few examples of foods that are high in saturated fats are typically anything that is fried, processed meats, bakery goods and whole milk products.
3) Include more fiber in your diet.
Dietary fiber has been proven to lower bad cholesterol. Soluble fiber, in particular, can help lower cholesterol. Foods that contain soluble fiber include dried beans, oats, and barley, as well as fiber products containing psyllium. Fruits and vegetables, including whole grains, are good sources of fiber.
4) Include foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Fish, such as salmon and tuna are a great source of omega-3 fatty acid. It is recommended that you should eat fish two or three times a week. The American Heart Association also recommends fish as the preferable source of omega-3 fatty acid, but fish oil supplements can be also taken after consulting with your doctor.
5) Eat more nuts.
Eating nuts has been proven to help reduce cholesterol. Walnuts and almonds are the two nuts that are the most beneficial when it comes to lowering cholesterol. Experts recommend that you should be careful with the amount you eat because nuts are high in calories, so limit yourself to a handful a day.
Now that you have 5 proven methods on how to quickly lower cholesterol it is up to you to implement these and make them a part of your daily routine in order to be successful.
To learn more about how to quickly lower cholesterol visit my website at You can also sign up for a free 10 part cholesterol lowering secrets mini course to learn how to naturally and safely lower your cholesterol.
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