Mesothelioma Survivors

Mesothelioma is a life-threatening form of cancer that has a long latency period, which leads to the development of symptoms over an extended period of time, often decades. By the time the victims notice the symptoms and are diagnosed, the cancer is advanced and the patients often do not live long afterward. Fortunately, some patients have survived for a considerably longer time than expected with this cancer, and because of these patients, researchers, scientists and physicians have been able to learn a great deal more about defeating this form of cancer.
Survivors: Paul Kraus and Others

One person who has lived a considerably longer time with mesothelioma is an Australian man, Paul Kraus. Australia is a country that has been a great source of asbestos – in mining, production and use – and as a result Australians are diagnosed with mesothelioma at a higher rate than in most other countries. Paul suffered exposure in 1962 while working during the summer. His cancer was not diagnosed until 1997. He has lived with knowledge of having the illness for over a decade, and he has developed his own unique way of treating this rare cancer. Instead of traditional treatments, Paul has undergone alternative therapies for mesothelioma, altered his diet, and taken up meditation in order to prevent the disease from progressing.

Paul also found that oxygen prevents cancer cells from surviving, and he regularly participates in ozone therapy. He also eats foods that are rich in nutrients in order to eliminate toxins from his body and help keep it from accumulating new toxins. It also seems that his upbeat approach to life is having a beneficial effect on his cancer.
Treating the Disease

Unfortunately, mesothelioma is extremely resistant to traditional forms of treatment, making Kraus' story all the more remarkable.  If the cancer is caught while it is still localized in a single area, a surgical procedure called an extrapleural pneumonectomy that removes a lung and some of the surrounding tissue may prevent recurrence, but rarely is mesothelioma diagnosed that early.  More commonly, a combination of radiation and chemotherapy is used to attempt to slow the spread of the cancer.  However, even with treatment, life expectancy remains low.
Alternative Therapies

As with any type of cancer, survival depends on early diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Mesothelioma is no different. There has been a development of a blood test that shows elevated levels of certain protein markers. These high levels may indicate that mesothelioma may have developed. This test offers promise that the illness may be detected at an earlier stage in the future.

Mesothelin may also offer an emerging treatment, as it has been shown to kill cancer cells in the mesothelial lining. Meditation, a positive attitude, and lessened stress all hold promise. Awareness of the connection between mind and body, improved nutrition and holistic therapies all can help keep the cancer at bay.


European Journal of Cancer

Surviving Mesothelioma: A Patient's Guide

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