Hearts Love Omega-3

Omega-3 is one of the two groups of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). It essential to our diet, along with omega-6 as we obtain them from food, then from these our bodies are able to make up the other PUFAs we need. Many researchers have found links between omega-3 and a wide range of health benefits.
Oily fish are great source of omega-3 and easy to come by, the richest source comes from fish such as, mackerel, salmon, pilchards, kippers, sardines and herrings. Preferably, use smoked, canned or fresh varieties of oily fish as omega-3 is reduced by fierce cooking, however enough does survive to be effective.
Eating 2 fish based meals a week can significantly reduce your cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Both of these are high risk factors for heart disease and strokes. Even a person who has already had a heart attack can use omega-3 to their benefit, although it can not prevent further heart attacks, it can aid the survival of them. A daily intake of, for instance 100g of salmon or 50g of kippers could reduce the risk of heart disease in middle-aged men by 40%.
Another great health benefit omega-3 fatty acids possesses is an anti-inflammatory action. Using omega-3 to assist inflammation can help many people with rheumatoid arthiritis. The benefits will certainly show, unfortunately they will take a few weeks to become noticeable. A higher intake of oily fish is required to obtain effective relief, a weekly intake of around 700g, or 4-6 meals is needed.
Sufferers following this advice can be found to have less tender joints therefore less need for pain relief.
Sufferers of dermatitis and psoriasis can find relief from itching, scaling and the general severity of these conditions, all from a small daily intake of omega-3. Combined with ultra-violet treatment, a treatment given to psoriasis sufferers, omega-3 can be most effective.
To give the best start, pregnant mothers should eat food containing omega-3 fatty acids, critical for foetal brain development.
Obviously, we not all lovers of fish but there are other ways we can take omega-3. You can readily find the supplement, usually in capsule form, from a health food store or pharmacy. Some foods are fortified with fish oil, even eggs are available from chickens fed omega-3 fatty acids. Rapeseed and linseed oils also have a sufficient omega-3 content. Other foods containing omega-3, but on a lower level, are, walnuts, peanuts, soya beans, wheatgerm and purslane (a herb used in salads).
We all want healthy bodies and small steps like this can really help us live a longer, healthier life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6446431

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